How can we convert 11 kv to 440 volt without using transformer ?
Can you tell which of the following where clauses is faster?
What is an os and what are its functions?
What are the types of batch file with the help of which we can start and stop apache tomcat server?
What is a designer? : sap bobi
What is afterFilter() used?
State the different between between thin client & thick client?
when ever we are creating a rental contracts, if we go for the item level data in va44, revenue is not recognizing, which leads the plant and division is not copied in the item level data, please send if any one knows the answer ASAP.
What is mason's gain formula?
What is xml c#?
Tell me what is a watchdog timer?
What is the maximum number of cards that can be passed to the map?
Why is packaging and distribution important?
Why is react better?
Can we create multiple sessionfactory in hibernate?