9.how do you write a function that takes a variable number
of arguments? What is the prototype of printf () function?
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4 7693can anyone please tell me wat is backlogs... i was looking for the job openings where i read this.. eligibility criteria minimum 70% in degree without backlogs. is that arrear.. if so is it standing arrear or history of arrears... please help me...
11 64553what is associativity explain what is the precidence for * and & , * and ++ how the folloing declaration work 1) *&p; 2) *p++;
2088what is associativity explain what is the precidence for * and & , * and ++ how the folloing declaration work 1) *&p; 2) *p++;
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I want to insert userid of a customer,order time,etc in a table called ordermaster with orderid as primary key.Same time the product codes and required quantities (a1,2 and a2 4 and so on)inserted in another table orderdetails with same orderid reference.How the code will be in JSP using MySQL?
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What does the safe mode do?
What is Trade Recovery Estimate and how can we calculate it?