Why do you want to become a quality evaulator and what do you know about the job profile of a quality evaulator in BPO?
How would you use Version Control on an entire sub-system? And why would this be useful?
What is difference between wait and notify in java?
What does it mean to embed a font?
What is the mechanism of host defense in leishmaniasis?
How can you create an artistic border?
Explain quick sort and merge sort algorithms.
Apache Spark is a good fit for which type of machine learning techniques?
What is winword exe error?
When should you not use a type cast?
What is a class variable?
How many types of cursors are available in pl/sql?
How to do ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ works?
What is the difference between keyword and identifier?
What steps will you take to stop profuse bleeding from a patients uterus?