i have five step in jcl.my forth step is gdg.gdg was abend.when will job complete,hoe to handle you
3 11165i have 1000 records in input file and i want to sort it and the first 200 records to be placed in output file. how to do that??
14 23513My JCL have five steps & I created new versions of GDG in first step through fourth step & fifth step I was refered Step one GDG version. My JCL got abend at 4th step and how I can restart my JCL Please let me know the answers. //STEP1 EXEC GDG1(+1) DISP=(NEW) //STEP2 EXEC GDG1(+2) DISP=(NEW) //STEP3 EXEC GDG1(+3) DISP=(NEW) //STEP4 EXEC GDG1(+4) DISP=(NEW) //STEP5 EXEC GDG1(+1) DISP=(OLD)
11 532211) max no of steps with jcl job can execute 2) how many extentions r possible in sequencial files with job 3) what is set parameter will do 4)how to get syntax errors without sub 5) what is differ between error and abend 6) hw mvs knows who submitted the job and whoom it has to forward 7) what are the positinal parameters of data descripter
1 13502i have a jcl containing header body and trailer .in header i have viswa body 2 6 1 9 7 trailer reddy .now i need to sort only body in either asecending or descending order how can i do it
1 14391Post New L&T JCL Interview Questions
what is the compile process of cobol program expalin with code
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what is the prinsiple of dc motor and construction and working ,application of dc motor.
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Why do we need a jdbcrowset like wrapper around resultset?
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What is an oracle report? List its various types.
What is the syntax of the Expires header and how to set it?
What is the maximum length of cable supported in SCS-1,2 and 3?
What are the elements in State Chart diagrams?
Do you know any other continuous integration tools?