What is Project management?I was asked weather u worked on
In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default? Eg: 1/10/2006 and 31/10/2006
what is the Difference Between session and call transaction?
What is the typical structure of an ABAP/4 program?
at which situation we create the secondary index?
Why long time required to copy the file than delete the same file.
In tm, if a group of employees gets 10 days of annual leave, what will be the time evaluation status? : sap abap hr
if i want to insert 10 laks MM records and for inserting one record it takes 1 min by using call transaction or session method . so here is there any alternative
What is the function of a domain? : abap data dictionary
What is the full form of "SPA/GPA" Paramaters.
Difference between Read and Get cursor?
Of the two call transaction and session method, which is faster?
How can you change the style of Logo or type of Logo?