how many types of interfaces are there in abap ?
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Answer / prasanthi buddepu
In ABAP, there are 2 types of interfaces.
1. Local interfaces and
2. Global interfaces.
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Answer / prasanthi
In SAP R/3 system, 3 main types of interfaces are
System Interface,User Interface and Communications Interface.
In OOABAP, above two local and global.
But in ABAP, Outbound and Inbound Interfaces.
Outbound Interfaces - Retrieving data from SAP and sending
to other systems.
Inbound Interfaces - Sending data from other system to SAP.
Outbound interface is used to send IDocs to the ALE server.
Inbound interface is used to analyze the received Idoc.
Check this link.
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Answer / keshav
Three Interfaces are there:
-Presentation Interface
-Database Interface
-Operating System Interface
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