I have 2 transactions,the output of 1st transaction is input
of 2nd transaction.In this senario...Which method we use to
upload the Data,Call trans or Session maethod?How?
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Answer / vaidehi
we should use session method in this senario.because for
session method process is synchronous and updation also
synchronous.i.e after one transaction completes then only
it goes to second transaction.so after completion of first
transaction , it will take the o/p of first as i/p to next
transaction and will execute those transactions also.
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Answer / vaidehi
sorry ganesh,by mistake i wrote sessioninstead of call
transaction.we can use call transaction method in this
senario.because for
session method process is asynchronous and updation also
synchronous.i.e after one transaction completes then only
it goes to second transaction.so after completion of first
transaction , it will take the o/p of first as i/p to next
transaction and will execute those transactions also.
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