what is Micrologic 6.0A advantages over Micrologic 2.0A
Answer / tareq harb
Micrologic 6.0A supports earth fault protection settings
(value + timing) & also supports timing for short circuit
fault while 2.0A does not protect against earth fault &
short circuit timing there is factory adjusted to zero.
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0 Answers HSL, Shankar Electricals,
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i am BSEE student, my project study is to synchronize the generator of an hospital, it have a one 313KVA standby-power diesel gen.,and three 100kva transformer.The generator system is operated manually and no ATS or UPS. one more new building is being build so the transformer will be upgrade to a higher vale. 1)how i can connect the new gen. to the old gen. and to the synchronize panel? 2)what is the new gen. to be buy?(rating, etc.) These is my title: To synchronize the generator system of the ____ Hospital. Anyone have a good title? Thanks.
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