What is php oops concepts?
What do you mean by electronics? How is it different from electrical?
largest Of three Number using without if condition?
What is elapsed time in load runner?
Which interrupts are generally used for critical events?
Could anyone explain to me how you were processing the 812 in SAP meaning how would you post your 812 credits? So, 850 creates orders in SAP, what about credit/debit - how do they post in the SAP?
Why anaconda is used for python?
As you know ruby provides four types of variables. List them and provide a brief explanation for each?
What is a int in c#?
Tell me what is ledger?
What are derived properties?
What does @component mean in spring?
What all different approaches can be used for designing an automation solution?
How you can characterize tables in cobol?
Why was my client disconnected from the cache?