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Lanco Interview Questions
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What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 65346

How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x?

1 9931

In Microstrategy, how can you direct the sql generated to use a specifc table?

7 20643

Which of the following districts grows most of coffee ? (a) Coorg (b) Mysore (c) Hubli (d) Bellary

7 10826

The first metal to be used by man was (A) Alluminium (B) Copper (C) Silver (D) Iron

27 113058

Can u please post some questions of MTNL junior telecom officer exam?


I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.

41 415843

What is the difference between Isolator annd Circuit Breaker.

21 74444

what is full form of SMART

46 83772

what is DG synchronization panel plz explain the working!!!!!!!

12 95434

what is meant by slip & where its occur ?

5 8278

what is the function of Droop CT and where it is used?

3 34054

in power plant lube oil system, if oil mist/vapour eliminator is not running what are all the consequences occur in system?

6 20974

What is the technical name of Transformer Oil ?

17 35516

what is Delphi technique?

1 7131

Post New Lanco Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the method to solve circuit using source transformation?


What is the purpose of master page?


How is it possible to apply 2 different overhead rates for 2 different finished goods?


Describe how to safeguard a system through acquisition of an antivirus Program and systematic backup.


What are the different data types in cobol?


Is there any algorithm to search a string in link list in the minimum time?(please do not suggest the usual method of traversing the link list)


Does Scala support all Functional Programming concepts? Does Java 8 support all Functional Programming concepts?


What is the difference between json parse and json stringify?


What packages are used for data mining in r?


What is argument in a function?


what is the default access for a class


What is du -s * | sort -k1,1rn | head command used for?


which type audit for your company account


What is the meaning of pivot table?


what does a work schedule rule consists of?