What is the design mix? What is the proportion for M25,
M35, M40 concrete mix.
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Answer / sudhir.rao
calculation of cement, fine aggregate,coarse aggregare and water to get a desired workable concrete.
Proportion of M25 1:1:2
Is This Answer Correct ? | 102 Yes | 16 No |
Answer / rakesh
Design mix is to attained the specific strength of concrete
in 28 days .M25 means whos Cube test results are 25N/SQMM
after 28 days.Proportion in Different grade of mix is
decided by Trial mix in Lab,For which there is different
cement values.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 52 Yes | 15 No |
Answer / kdg
if it is design mix, then the proportion can be known only
after establishing the design mix.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ujjawal daharwal
We cann't fix the proportion like Nominal Mixes...because in
above Concrete mixes, Locally available Material are
influence the Strength...and in M-40 we could not fix
because these mix design can't prepare without Plasticizers...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
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