what is the function of cooling tubes in transformer
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Answer / parag
Function of the cooling tubes is basically to maintain the
working tempareture of the transformer. it's basically used
to dissipate heat.there are 2 types of cooling
1.natural cooling
2.forced cooling
Natural Cooling occurs when the transformer oil flows
through the 'fins'of the transformer.the oil comes into
contact with atmospheric temapareture which is less than
that of the oil and the transformer oil gets cooled.
Forced Cooling is done by the fans provided outside the
transformer to act as coolant.
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Answer / jagadisha.n bmsit
Cooling tubes are used in transformer to increase heat
dissipation in transformer, heat is produced in transformer
due to losses(copper and iron loss. in case of high power
rating transformer normal plain surface is not enough to
dissipate the heat so tubes r used to dissipate the heat.
heat dissipation is not proportional to dia of tubes because
of screened surface
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heat is produced in a transformer winding due to iron and
copper losses. this heat is absorved by oil.cooling tubes
are used for transformer oil cooling and coolig systems are
two types they are
1. Natural cooling.
2. forced drought cooling.
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