in a induction motor if we put capacitor across it will the
power factor of the motor will improve? if yes how
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Answer / preet
IM takes current acting as inductive load from mains,so it
will draw lagging bars from supply and current will laggs by
voltage but other side capacitor delivered lagging bars to
line work as compensator
due to lead current of capacitor and lagging current of IM
resultant will be decrease in V&I angle or improve in Pf
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / kushal trivedi
capacitor bank acts as a reactive power generator. If we
install capacitor bank across the IM,the reactive power
required by IM is supplied through capacitor bank for the
generation of magnetic field,So for a same power delivered
to IM, the value of active current is more so Angle is
Reduced and PF improve.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / gunasekaran
It compensate lagging power factor. motor is inductive load
inductance alway oppose changing current so it is always
lagging with voltage but capacitor always oppose the
changing volage so it always leading PF so this compensate
the lagging reactive active power consuming from
source will be reduced for given load.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / hardik vyas
It depends how is it connected. normally for 3-phase motor
a three phase capacitor bank is connected as a load with
across motor which in turn improves the power factor of
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / manish singla
Connecting capacitors in parallel to induction motor does
not necessarily improve the Power Factor. There will be two
cases as listed below;-
If motor is already running on full load then itself its
power factor will be in the ranges of .85 to .9.
If motor is running without load i.e. Idle, then there will
be lot of scope in improving power factor by connecting
Capacitors in Parllel.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / master ramunniraja
Yes, Motor is a inductive load, it generate lagging PF. If
we use capacitor PF will increase because capacitive load
generate Leading PF. So Both are compensated So PF increased.
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