How do you configure reason codes for residual payments?
What are all the steps? What are the T codes used?
what is the difference between the hold documents and park documents
Explain reversal of documents in sap? : fi- general ledger
Why you use Asset Class ?
In gl master, we have a option “balance in local currency” and “account currency”. What does it mean?
Assign different no. range for different business area of same co. code.
master data of fi -gl , fi-ap,fi-ar,fi-as
Describe the dunning process? : fi- accounts receivable
I have set up 2 Banks suppose 1)ICICI and 2)SBI and I want to print.. the passbook for both ...where we customise these settings (T.code) ?
What is ASCII ? Can any 1 explain in detail about is a bit urgent. Interview Question
What is pre-closing? : fi- general ledger master data
What z the t code for up loading of customers and vendors, a/s balance in lsmw?
How do you perform budget structuring and take care of budget overrun issues in Funds management? What is the configuration and what are the T codes that are used?