How you’ll convening the people if your product rate is
high compare to competency?

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How you’ll convening the people if your product rate is high compare to competency?..

Answer / rajesh

i will tell him all feutures which is differendt to
competitors product and i will also tell him what other
facilities our company provide like free service home
delivery and warand gur and our companies good will

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How you’ll convening the people if your product rate is high compare to competency?..

Answer / asit narayan

To gives satisfactory reasons for that products and to
compare, explain some extra benifits and availibilty that
not given by competitior.

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How you’ll convening the people if your product rate is high compare to competency?..

Answer / macmohan

by giving example of quality of gold ornaments made by
tribhuvandas bhimji Jweller and ornaments made by bhawani
jweller once the gold is same.

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