What is ALV?
What is the collect statement? How is it different from append?
BDC CALL TRANSACTION carry on synchronous processing and update the database both synchronously and asynchronously,where session method carry on asynchoronous processing and update the database synchrousnously.I want to know the meaning of synchronous and asynchronous processing and also the meaning of synchronous and asynchronous database update.
2 Table Maintenance generation & validation using events Create table lets say ZXXXX hold Object Locations. Field key data element Type Length Dec text MANDT x MANDT Clnt 3 0 Client ZCTRY x LAND1 Char 3 Country Key ZOLOC x ZOLOC Char 15 Object Location ZOLOC20 ZOLOC20 Char 20 Object Location short text ZOLOC40 ZOLOC40 Char 40 Object Location long text ZAWSYS LOGSYSTEM Char 10 Logical System ZSTREET AD_STREET Char 60 Street ZSTREET2 AD_STRSPP1 Char 40 Street 2 ZPOSTAL_CODE AD_PSTCD1 Char 10 City postal code ZCITY AD_CITY1 Char 40 City ZCOUNTRY ZLAND Char 3 Address Country ZOBJ_SIGN ZOBJ_SIGN Char 10 Object Sign ZREF1 ZREF1 Char 10 Reference 1 ZREF2 ZREF2 Char 10 Reference 2 ZREF3 ZREF3 Char 10 Reference 3 ZREF4 ZREF4 Char 10 Reference 4 ZNOTE1 ZNOTE1 Char 20 Note 1 ZNOTE2 ZNOTE2 Char 20 Note 2 ZCREAETDATE CREATEDATE Dats 8 Creation/Change Date ZCREATETIME CREATIETIME Tims 6 Creation/Change Time Create a table maintenance generator for ZXXXX. Create two events in Table Maintenance Generator: - To update the filed value SAP in ZAWSYS and creation date and time - To update change date and time after saving the entry Event ‘21’ – At Create: ZXXXX-ZAWSYS = SAP. ZXXXX-ZCREATEDATE = sy-datum. ZXXXX-ZCREATETIME = sy-uzeit. Event ‘01’- After Save ZXXXX-mandt = extract+0(3). ZXXXX-zctry = extract+3(3). ZXXXX-zoloc = extract+6(15). ZXXXX-zoloc20 = extract+21(20). ZXXXX-zoloc40 = extract+41(40). ZXXXX-zawsys = log_sys. ZXXXX-zstreet = extract+91(60). ZXXXX-zstreet2 = extract+151(40). ZXXXX-zpostal_code = extract+191(10). ZXXXX-zcity = extract+201(40). ZXXXX-zcountry = extract+241(3). ZXXXX-zobj_sign = extract+244(10). ZXXXX-zref1 = extract+254(10). ZXXXX-zref2 = extract+264(10). ZXXXX-zref3 = extract+274(10). ZXXXX-zref4 = extract+284(10). ZXXXX-znote1 = extract+294(20). ZXXXX-znote2 = extract+314(20). ZXXXX-zcreatedate = sy-datum. ZXXXX-zcreatetime = sy-uzeit. modify ZXXXX.
If you are at 3rd list how can you back to 1st list?
What are the functional modules used in sequence in bdc? : abap hr
what is partner profile. in which table it can be stored
What are MENUEXITS, SCREENEXITS, FUNCTIONEXITS, FIELDEXITS and what is the difference between them ?
1) What is read with binary search? 2) I have initialization write ?a? Top-of-page write ?b? what is the output for this/ 3) If I don?t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not? 4) What is table maintenance generator? 5) Is it advisable to have secondary index/ 6) How we will imlement BAPI? 7) What is process code in idoc? 8) Where the information msg will display? 9) Where warning msg will display? 10) Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means? 11) What is a spool? 12) What is program name that contains all print program names and form names other than TNAPR? 13) How we will capture errors in bapi? 14) How to transfer std text from production to quality?
Which commands are used for interactive reports?
Can anybody tell me the procedure to impliment the SAP OSS notes in detail?
What are the different window types in sapscript?
which table contains the details of all Tcodes?