what is the unit of work
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Answer / dushyanta kumar
The R/3 system is multi user system and many users access
the same information at the same time, which is mainly
DATA. Consider the case where one user is modifying a
record, and second user is trying to delete the same
record. If the second user is successful in deleting the
record then the first user will face problem for modifying
the record that is already deleted. The avoid such
situation, R/3 system has provided Logical Unit of Work.
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Answer / kubera
Logical Unit Work..
You can define this way --> it is the span of time during
which any database updates must be performed (in all or
nothing manner) or canceled.
Commit Work or Rollback work..
Commit work -> performs all the actions relevant to the
execution of tasks.
Rollback work -> cancels actions relevant to the execution
of tasks.
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