5. What is the difference between report and script?
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Reports script
getting the data from sap redirecting sap data into
data base and displaying other environments is
in output screen is called called sap script
a report
reports also can redirected will promts for output devi
into other devices ce.
font formats options are not fonr formats options are
applicable applicable
are used for company internal are used for customer
usage service
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Answer / srinu
A script is a static form which is used for printing company specific documents like invoive,purchase order etc.
A report is an executable program which can be static or interactive used to automate an existing business functionality.
script is basically used for printing,
report is for information,
printing a report is difficult,
report can be interactive,
script is not interactive,
script is client-dependent,
report is client-independent,
script is modified in most cases,
report is developed from the scratch
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