i can't fill the section code when simualting Tcode f-54
for clearing Special GL to Normal GL?
what does line means?
What is summarization in co? : co- cost center accounting
hi this is ganesh i am having experiance in finanace ,my graduation -B.COM+ONE year excutive MBA i am looking coaching for SAP(FICO) from realtime experiance person from BANGLORE --if any body is their please mail me -to---ganesh.isbm@gmail.com Thanking you Regards Ganesh
Can we create P.O.for multiple vendors? How can we create it?
Pls any budy can tell me about group/country chart of account all t.code.
Do you transfer the master data from development server to production server ?
How do you create new status groups for capital spending accounts and revenue accounts? What are the steps and the T codes used?
could any post the real time issues related to FICO.
Hi In the system Landscape we have Dev.client Q/A client Prod.Client Right. Inthe dev.client we have Customization,configuration,and snadbox Right. My question is in the SANDBOX do we have again dev,q/a,and production clients. If so y so.What is the need 2 have wice such a procudure.
What are the benefits of using cost center accounting? : cost center accounting
Hi Can I know what are the T.Codes for calculating Tax Procedure.AND Assigning tax procedure to Country of our Company Code.
What do you mean by chart of accounts? What is it used for? What are its important elements?