1.What are the methods to modify sap standard tables.
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Answer / ss
You cann't modify the existing standard sap tables but you
can add extra fields to the standard sap tables by using
1. Append Structure
2. Includes
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Answer / .
.append -- structure will restrict for specifc table
.include--structure can reuse
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Answer / kk
.Include is used to add custom structure to transparent table
.Append is used to add fields to the end of custom or ztable.
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Answer / raj
see mr.kishore we can also modify the standard sap table by
using TC-SE16N->&SAP_EDIT....
by using this tc we can modify.
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Answer / kishore
you can't modify the standard tables but can add extra fields to the standard sap tables by using.
1.Append structure
2.ci include
Append will add at the end of the table.
ci include will add when sap as included the ci field in that otherwise we cant include the fields in sap...
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