am facing problem in inserting multiple data from user
defined selection screen to internal table can anyone tel
me any small code tht can insert multple data from screen
to inernal table.
thanks in advance.
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Answer / malathy
*For example i have used the scarr table
*Internal table declaration.
Data: Begin of Itab occurs 0,
carrid like scarr-carrid,
carrname like scarr-carrname,
currcode like scarr-currcode,
end of itab.
*Fields on selection screen.
parameter : carrid for scarr-carrid ,
carrname for scarr-carrname,
currcode for scarr-currcode.
*To insert data from Selection screen fields to the
*internal table
loop at itab.
itab-carrid = carrid.
itab-carrname = carrname.
itab-currcode = currcode.
append itab.
clear itab.
Just by looping you can insert multiple data to the
internal table. Let me know if this code worked for you.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / nitin gautam
That's ok...But you shoud have used Select options stmt while declaring the multiple field ranges...
Please correct me also if i am wrong
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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