differences between version 4.7 and ecc 5.0
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Answer / sheasgiri
You can find the functional difference between the version
in the following link, even you can download the delta
functionality between the version.
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Answer / gary
Wow, it is really huge question. As an Apaper, I think the biggest different is:
1. New general ledger
2. New ABAP Editor
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Answer / sathish kumar
Need Solution amanger Key to installing the ECC 6.0
Called as netweaver componenent, have both ABAP + Java Stack
Supports both unicode and non unique code
Having Web application servere (ABAP+Java)
Fm like ws_upload, ws_downlaod are obselete and obsolete fm are found in Rodir
Ecc is very strict in case of ECP error and slin observes catching the run time error
if uou are doing uniocode conversion, you need to check transaction uccheck for unicode errors and need to replace the obselete statement like < > => =<etc.
more towords oops and developer friendly
new debugger
new enhancement frame work is introduced
efficient to use adobe form
built with netweaver platform with solution manager
Has a new option for badi, to create your own badis and implement
you have new comcept called implicit and explicit plugin
web dynpro accessible in se80
NO solution manager key is required
Have only ABAP Stack
Supports NOn Unique Code
no issue with 4.6 but will give dump.
Sathish kumar
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Answer / ishita
In 4.7 ver we have to define the oracle database to server
where as in ecc5.0 we need not to do tht and ecc5 is more
compatable to web techonology
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