what is transport request?
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Answer / venkateswarlu.bandi
transport request is nothing but a to transport the objects
from the one system to the another system by using the
transport objects
SE09: is workebench organizer change requests for
development objects
SE10: is also a workbench organizer include SE09 and
customizing the objects.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 92 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / kumar.ch
in sap there are three servers
1. developement server
2. quality/testing server
3. production server
Transport are the vehicles by which your configuration
settings are moved from one client to another client or
environmnet to environment. in development server we
configure the settings these settings are transferred to
quality/testing server through transport request.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 61 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / anil para
A transport request is used in SAP to transfer
customizations. The main purpose of transport request is
not to make any changes directly in Quality/Production
server. When u does some configuration system will ask for
a request. 1. If u want to create a new request click on
create and give the description, then system will
automatically generate a request 2. if u wants to save it
in the request already created go to own request and double
click on the request name u want to save. 3. creating a new
request and saving it in the same request depends on how u
wants the configuration to be moved to Production/Quality.
Transports from one server to the other can be made with
the help of transport requests. To move the request between
clients of same server use TC-SCC1 (in this case there is
no need of releasing the request). To move the request to
clients of different server use TC-SE10 (in this case u
have to release the request first using SE10 and then only
u can move to different server). To release the request
first select the customizing task (sub task) for the drop
down and click the lorry symbol and then select the main
task and click the lorry symbol again. Now ask the basis
guy to move it to Quality/Prod.
Use TC-SE09 / SE10, SE09: workbench transport; SE10:
customizing transport.
Work Bench Request: It is affect automatically Production
client and quality client without transport its effect all
clients and its called table hitting. Workbench requests
are create for your customized programs usually used by
Customizing Requests: It is affect only when you transport.
Customizing requests are create during IMG configuration
usually used by Functional consultants.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 32 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / venkateswarlu.bandi
transport request is nothing but a to transport the objects
from the one system to the another system by using the
transport organizer .
se09: is the workbench organizer is used to customizing the
objects for development class
se10: is the workbench organizer is used to include se09 and
customizing the objects
Is This Answer Correct ? | 30 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / sandhya
Transport Request means the flow of objects from the
development client to the testing client and from testing
client to the production client.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 6 No |
transport are the vehicles by which your configuration
settings are moved from client to client or environment to
environment. normally configuration client should be the
client that creats transports at any time. you make a
change to a configuration table or progame. this is known
as automatic recording of transports. the automatic
recording of transport made at client level.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / sigma
Again to add more,
Types of Transports: Client dependent and Client independent
Status of transports: modifiable and customized
Is This Answer Correct ? | 18 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / hannah
The idea is that we want to include the clients that will
get an addition to their import queue when we release a
change request from DEV.
Choose Transfer
Now you have to change the transport route to include the
Target Group you created.
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit >
Transport Routes > Delete
Now create a Transport Route with Extented Transport Control:
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit >
Transport Routes > Create > Extended Transport Control icon
at lower left of dialog box. > Consolidation route, enter
integration system and transport layer. In Target
system/client enter the SID of either an R/3 System and a
client or an existing Target Group.
Each System must be specified by System and Client. The
Target Group can be used for the consolidation system.
Distribute and activate the changes as usual by choosing
Configuration > Distribute and activate
NOTE: After you set up Extended Transport Control there
might be requests in an import queue that will show a red
status in the CTL column. This is because these change
requests need a client specified before they can be
imported. These are old requests that were already in the
From Import Queue Screen Mark the change request
Choose Request > Target Client > Set
Enter the Target Client ID and choose Enter.
To change a target client before starting an import:
Import Queue Screen > mark Change request > target client >
change > enter target client id and choose enter.
If you happend to be one of those who forgot the transport
request number of your abap program.
You can easily find it via the Versions Management.
Steps :-
Transaction SE38
Filled in your ABAP program name.
Then click Utilities -> Versions -> Version Management
SAP system will display this sample list :-
Versions: Report source ZPROGRAM
Version Cat Fla SAP Rel. Arch Request Date
Time Author
Version(s) in the development database:
X activ X 46X
01.08.9999 15:21:56 SAP
Version(s) in the version database:
X 00002 46X ABCD123456 01.08.9999
15:52:43 SAP
X 00001 S X 46X
00.00.0000 00:00:00
Thank You.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / partha sarathi
Transport request is nothing but in which your system
configure is stored. once completed your configuration task
you need to move it from once client to another client
within the same environment or one environment to another.
we have to transport workbench and customize requests types
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / adarsh kumar.chukka
Transport Requests in SAP are the ONLY way in which you can
record changes and move them across systems.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
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