If a company has 4 company codes, 12 plants and 3 sales
offices. In this situation how many profit centers and cost
centers does this company contains?
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Answer / lovely_santu143
We can create 3 profit centres depending on sales offices
and 12 cost centres depending on the plants. Because
ultimately it effects to all company codes and company both.
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Answer / premkumar
In case of 12 plants we need to have 12 profit center and
12 cost centr group for reporting purpose. otherwise we
cannot trace the report plantwise.
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Answer / sunilk
it depends upon the decision of at what level do you want
to keep you Profit Center i.e. at plant level or Company
code level or sales office level.
if suppose it is at plant level 12 PCs required and cannot
be restricted to CCs as 3/4/12 bcz depends on types Costs
are going to be incurred. you can use 1 or more in relation
to one PC.
we can use BA for Sales Office and PC for plant level.
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