How do you write UTP?(unit test plan)
How can you display frames (horizontal and vertical lines) in lists?
How can we use / display table in a screen?
What is the use of PROTECT and ENDPROTECT?
How to move the even records of one internal table to other
What is the difference between table and template?
how to creat a table with out primary key
wat is the significance of keyword " LIKE ".
In selection screen, I have three fields, plant material number and material group. If I input plant how do I get the material number and material group based on plantdynamically?
Suppose u r using FOR ALL ENTRIES. What happens when there is no data in the itab which is using all the entries?
what is DYN Begin?
What are logical data bases used in hr module? : abap hr
What is the differences between structure and table in data dictionary in abap?