What is the difference between table and template?
how can i fetch the records of 3 tables with a single select query,without using join.
12 Answers CTS, IBM,
Sort statement?
Explain how do you get output from idoc?
What are datasets in abap?
Check table value table
Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically? : abap data dictionary
I am getting the (first) page number and the remaining records displayed in another list in another page BUT the PAGE Number is not displayed? What is the code/solution?
what is synchronous and asynchronous updates in BDC's, whats their difference ?
Any once please tell me some interview questions regarding Smartforms?
is it possible to upload material master data through BDC with one flat file containing both semifinished material & row material combined?????????
25) Can we create more than one main window in smartforms?
what is the purpose of table maintanance,(i think it's for authorizarion purpose) what is ment by authorization?