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What is the configuration done for Order type dependent parameter and confirmation parameter
What happens to plan after it has been converted into production order?
What are different MRP types?
any one can provide me some sample resume for SAP PP with 0 to 1 year experience?
What is mean by Standard Value, Scheduling Margin Key, Production Version, Product Cost Collector, Control Key,Demand Management.
Mention what is the production process in sap?
suppose we have sales order-40, PIR-25,warehouse stock-40, so when we run mrp,what quantity the system displays with MTO & MTS. How?
What is plm (product lifecycle management) in sap pp and what is the use?
If u maintain sub-contacting where and how will be reflect
How many standard value keys can you mention at work center
SPRO path for order, confirmation or requirement class.
Mention what are the types of master views for production and planning?