can please tell me the differences b/w bapi & bdc?
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Answer / upender macharla
Bapi's are procedural and object oriented .
Bapi's are used for Njoy transactions also.
Bapi's does not support recording.
Bdc is not used for Njoy transactions.
Bdc support the recording.
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Answer / jagadish
In case of bdc data transfer takes place from flat file into
sap system ie the file existing in sap system to sap sytem
where is bapi's r remotly enabled function modules which are
assigned to some business objects n used to transfer the
data between different business partners who are using
different systems other than sap.
when you plan to upgrade your system version then bdc
willnot support those upgradations where as bapi's will support.
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Answer / k.nagalakshmi
1.bapi's are always backword compatible i.e which can work
on upgradations also.
2.bdc will not work for upgradations.
3.bapi provides versions for each and every upgradations.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / saai
bapi's are procedural and object oriented .
the main advantage of bapi's is they are also used for the
migration of data from one non-sap to sap system.
bapi's are useful for certain taransactions where bdc's
can't be used like nace transactions.
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