What are the uses of table pool or table cluster.
How to print continuous pages in smartform?my requirement is i need to print 3 pages for each customer i.e 2 pages for purchase order forms and 3rd page is terms and condition page.Likewise how can i print 100 customer pages at once continuously?
How to change selection screen dynamically?
Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically? : sap abap data dictionary
How many domains will create for one data element?
What is a transport?
Can we use binary search in internal table sorted in decending order ? if no why?
what are the roles and responsibilities of a technical consultant will be assigned in idoc development in real time? in case of a)IDOC EXTENSION b)sending TRANSACTIONAL IDOC c)CHANGE POINTERS
What is an Extended IDOC and It's purpose?
HI friends, in USER EXITS after finding correct EXIT when am double clicking on the "INCLUDE ZXM06U36" it is not entering inside of the program, it is givimg the error message as "Program names ZX... are reserved for includes of exit function groups". Please help me to solve this problem.
What is Implicit and explicit enhancements.
What type of user exits have you written?
3 Answers Deloitte, Kingfisher,
What is asynchronous update?