The quantity of Inquiry is 50 but the quotation created on it has 40 qty and the inquiry document is complete. How do we control it?
What is “characteristic”? How does the term characteristic relate to transaction code cto4?
What is PMIN?
Tell me some tickets with solutions in sap bi?
Can some one please explain exctact difference of enhancements and tickets and user exits please. Thanks in advance Rajesh.p
Match code means..?
How you can extent the rebate? What are the procedures, what is the customisation for it?
what are called CMM level 5 companies
Have you know the shipment and shipment cost
Why do you have different sales document types in r/3?
What is the difference between forward scheduling and backword scheduling???
Can any body please send sap sd foreign trade user manuals..
What are the three levels that copy controls are set up? And what are the transaction codes through which it could be done?