What is an abc indicator?
What is business impact of procurement type in material master?
How do you display parked documents?
what is cbp? What is the difference between cbp and mrp?
How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?
to start working with TAXINN weather we have to go for OSS note ? as in SAP ECC 6.0 there is no standard procedure TAXINN only TAXINJ is there.
The customer has a requirement to cancel the release of the PO in case of price change in the PO after the approval. Which one of the indicator plays an important role?
Suppose u have ordered for 1000 pcs and u kept tolerances in mtrl as higher limit 10% and lower limit to 10%. By mistake vendor sent you 1200 pcs it won't allow to post post graduate.but you can't reject it as it is necessary for production ryt now..How to solve this.explain
In your up gradation project 4.6B version to ECC6.0 what differences observed in SAP MM explain
Suppose you are doing business with one of your own sister concern. You are purchasing certain material and you want to post invoices directly to po (without gr). Which facility in sap mm will you use to map such process.
Explain stock transfers?
How do you find the logical value for stock item by date?
In Release strategy, 1. can we create class first and then characteristics. Can u edit the characteristics. 2. How will you cancel the release strategy even if the documents are in process of approval or pending for approval. If cancelled, will all the documents waiting for approval will get automatically approved as release strategy will no longer be apply to them. 3. Which standard reports are available to pending Purchasing documents for approval.