What is the difference between planned and unplanned services?
Can anybody tell some of business scenarios sample tickets That they have resolved? SAND...@
0 Answers Cap Gemini, HCR Global Services,
Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?
What are the various types of master data in the mm module?
what is the difference bet standard & reference purchasing organisation
What is negative stock? Under what business requirement yout will recommend negative stock activation?
Explain batches. How would you search them?
What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?
Why is negative stock needed in an organization?
Hi , anyone please clear my doubt. we maintain Price in MM and PIR , suppose if price changes we will update in PIR and also changes in PO ,do we need to update in MM?, if we update, where MM Price is reflected?
Can I include the parameters like cost centre,plant.account assignmnet category,purchasing group in PR release strategy with classification which is at header level????
Explain the types of gr blocked stocks in sap mm
you create a PO,for 100 qty and enter GR for 100 qty but IV for 80 qty it is possible or not? If it is possible how.