How many sales document types?
If a partner works as a dealer and distributor and have the same master data. How does the system identify if its a dealer or distributor function? Where is the differentiation done?
What is a variant and its use?
How we confirm that vendor deliver the goods to cutomer in third party process without shipping notification,so that system will do Miro.
What is the meaning of customer/ material with release status while saving condition record of PR00? Plz explain the meaning of release status.
Hi Experts, What are BADI's & BAPI's? Explain in detail regarding its Work mechanism along with detailed procedures and real time live examples from your project? Please answer this question asap.... Its Urgent.... Looking forward for your express reply...I have interview within 1-2 days. So, give reply to this query asap.. I would be very grateful to you for your timely help.Thanks in advance. Regards
what is difference between static and dynamic in credit management?
Hi all ! In Tax scenario, we India we use Excise,CST,VAT,ET according to question is when the party submits some forms for e.g C-form for CST, then tax concession is there,and w/o C-form full tax ll be levied. So how to configure the system (apart from tax relvac for cust/mat) ?
please tell me ,after pgi completed what hapens,
Define the customer taxes in ovk3, you will maintain the tax code in customer master.
billing document shows net value 7.4,but accounting document shows net value 7.0. how it is possible ?
Is it possible to create sales order for 40 items if the quotation is sent for 30 items?
In Rush Order is credit check activated? Please reply asap... Eagerly awaiting for your response? Thanks in advance.