What are the domains and data element?
What are datasets in abap?
what is was server in sap
what will happen if will write the code of PAI module in PBO module.will it execute successfully or it will show error?if so what will be the error.
Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement contains Projects?
will a break-point statement trigger in background job? say yes or no. then whats is the reason?
Which one of the following statements would occur in the PBO of a dialog program using table control? a) module user_command. b) set screen '0100'. c) loop at itab. d) loop at itab with control itab_tc.
System fields in Interactive reports?
1.why dont use top of page. wat is the use? 2. wat is sub screen? 3. why u select the session method in bdc ? how many records wil be updated on that time? 4.why dont use start form in script? 5.wat is difference b/w dilldown and interactive report? 6. wat is pf status interactine report?
if u take one worst program how can u bebugg in application server & database server?
Difference between Read and Get cursor?
What are the different functions used in sap script? What are the parameters used in each function?
In the function module for reading text from the S.O header what needs to be specified?