how to stretch the report size in standard tool bar.
Filter badi and multiple used badi? Will the sequence matter of the badi implementation in case of multiple used badi?
What is use of transparent table in abap? How it is different from pool tables?
What is the BAPI_CUSTMATINFO_GETDETAILM used for? what is the input and output of this bapi.
What are the different modules of sap? : sap abap hr
10> Can u give me one example where we should use only CALL TRANSACTION method in BDC?
what is the transaction code for creating a quotation of sales order
What are the aggregate objects in the data dictionary? : abap data dictionary
Program for Prime numbers and Matrix plz explain me the procedural method with steps
Suppose u r using FOR ALL ENTRIES. What happens when there is no data in the itab which is using all the entries?
What is BAPI ? & its used & functionality.
What work you have done in HR module
How do you do bdc for a table control? : abap bdc