why u can call(r using) ssf_function_module_name in smartforms?
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Answer / krishnaveni
In General case we can directly call the Function module
into the print Program.
if we transport this SMARTFORM to other System it may
genarate other function module in that system.In this case
miamatch takes place.
That's why we are using 'ssf_function_module_name'
if we give the SAMRTFORM Name to this function module it
automatically generates the FUNCTION MODULE.Call that
function module.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 28 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / smart varghese
By using "ssf_function_module_name " the user can obtain
the function mudule generated by the Smartform. The input
parameter is the SMARTFORM name the output parameter is the
function module generated .It has to be type RS38L_FNAM.
After getting the output parameter . CALL FUNCTION(output
parameter name).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / itchamps
The Smartform that is created in the Development may not
have the same name in the Production server. So it is
always advised to use the Function Module
SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to get the Function Module name by
passing the Smartform name.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sss
A function module is generated whenever a Smart Form is
activated. This Smart Form could be called from the driver
program by calling the function module generated in the
system directly.
But this is not an efficient way of calling Smart Form for
the following reason:
Whenever a Smart Form is generated, a function module is
generated and the naming convention for that Smart Form is
done internally by using Number range object or something
similar. Let us consider the function module name
as /1BCDWB/SF00000359. The function module for the next new
and activated Smart Form would be /1BCDWB/SF00000360, one
more than the previous one.
So when this Smart Form is transported from the development
to Quality or Production system, a new function module name
is generated according to the number series available in
that system. If the above program is transported to either
quality or production system, the program might go for a
dump as the function module is not available in that
system, because the number series generated in the for
example in development system will be different from that
of the quality system . To handle this situation, we use
the function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to get the
name of the function module for a Smart Form dynamically.
If the form is not active, the function module
SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME raises the exception NO_FORM.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / bitbit
Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program.
Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / bhavannarayana s
this function module allows us to give name to our smartforms dynamically.. After that, we can call that named function module which is named by us directly
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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