What are the types of views? : sap abap data dictionary
A subroutine can be terminated unconditionally using exit. State true or false : abap modularization
What are the Control levels in internal tables?
What are screen painter and menu painter? : abap hr
What is the difference between open sql & native sql ?
3 Answers Accenture, SAP Labs,
SAP Date Format?
In order to upload purchase order details, how you handle multiple values for a single field?
Hi Gurus How do u do performance analysis means and what is the diffrence between extended syntax check and code inspector and how do use them to test the performance of the any abap program ?
what is the Tcode to send customer master data to another system.
What is meant by write lock? : sap abap data dictionary
can we transport text elements and text symblos in reports from devlopment to quality?is it necessary?
2 Table Maintenance generation & validation using events Create table lets say ZXXXX hold Object Locations. Field key data element Type Length Dec text MANDT x MANDT Clnt 3 0 Client ZCTRY x LAND1 Char 3 Country Key ZOLOC x ZOLOC Char 15 Object Location ZOLOC20 ZOLOC20 Char 20 Object Location short text ZOLOC40 ZOLOC40 Char 40 Object Location long text ZAWSYS LOGSYSTEM Char 10 Logical System ZSTREET AD_STREET Char 60 Street ZSTREET2 AD_STRSPP1 Char 40 Street 2 ZPOSTAL_CODE AD_PSTCD1 Char 10 City postal code ZCITY AD_CITY1 Char 40 City ZCOUNTRY ZLAND Char 3 Address Country ZOBJ_SIGN ZOBJ_SIGN Char 10 Object Sign ZREF1 ZREF1 Char 10 Reference 1 ZREF2 ZREF2 Char 10 Reference 2 ZREF3 ZREF3 Char 10 Reference 3 ZREF4 ZREF4 Char 10 Reference 4 ZNOTE1 ZNOTE1 Char 20 Note 1 ZNOTE2 ZNOTE2 Char 20 Note 2 ZCREAETDATE CREATEDATE Dats 8 Creation/Change Date ZCREATETIME CREATIETIME Tims 6 Creation/Change Time Create a table maintenance generator for ZXXXX. Create two events in Table Maintenance Generator: - To update the filed value SAP in ZAWSYS and creation date and time - To update change date and time after saving the entry Event ‘21’ – At Create: ZXXXX-ZAWSYS = SAP. ZXXXX-ZCREATEDATE = sy-datum. ZXXXX-ZCREATETIME = sy-uzeit. Event ‘01’- After Save ZXXXX-mandt = extract+0(3). ZXXXX-zctry = extract+3(3). ZXXXX-zoloc = extract+6(15). ZXXXX-zoloc20 = extract+21(20). ZXXXX-zoloc40 = extract+41(40). ZXXXX-zawsys = log_sys. ZXXXX-zstreet = extract+91(60). ZXXXX-zstreet2 = extract+151(40). ZXXXX-zpostal_code = extract+191(10). ZXXXX-zcity = extract+201(40). ZXXXX-zcountry = extract+241(3). ZXXXX-zobj_sign = extract+244(10). ZXXXX-zref1 = extract+254(10). ZXXXX-zref2 = extract+264(10). ZXXXX-zref3 = extract+274(10). ZXXXX-zref4 = extract+284(10). ZXXXX-znote1 = extract+294(20). ZXXXX-znote2 = extract+314(20). ZXXXX-zcreatedate = sy-datum. ZXXXX-zcreatetime = sy-uzeit. modify ZXXXX.
What is the difference between report and script?