Is there a double type in python?
what is instanceof operator used in java?
What is checkpoint in qtp?
What do you mean by Correlated subquery?
write a program to convert a decimal number in to its equivalent binary number?
Explain Mixins in Django ?
Does jvm maintain a cache by itself? Does the jvm allocate objects in heap? Is this the os heap or the heap maintained by the jvm? Why
1.provide a brief write up on why you consider yourself suitable for the post voting your major achievements? 2. Mention your position in the hierarchy and the levels above and below you ?
As you know a vast majority of high performance embedded systems today use risc architecture why?
Can you explain about the cluster manager of apache spark?
What are the types of functions in c?
What is the difference between CD-R and CD+R?
in dc shunt motor if field winding is shorted then
What is difference between @controller and @restcontroller in spring?
What do you understand by collector reverse saturation? In which configuration does it have a greater value?