What are the differences between primary and secondary indexes?
What are steps involved in creating ALE?
how do you display initial values in a selection screen?
When using call transaction method for 1000 records , If u found error in 64th record then how can u find it and how can u send this to user
Can we create internal table in smart forms or scripts?if yes where and how?
What is the different between abap and ooabap? Why do we use ooabap?
Can you create a field without data element domain?
Hi, My question is " How to display 3rd highest salary record from the internal table. The internal table has 2 fields named emno(Employee number) and salary.". Send answer to my mail shaiksha.it@gmail.com. Thanking you.
What is the lock object?
what type of error will be seeing in the log file in SM35
IN scripts we have std layouts like medruk,in smartform do we have any?if i copy the std script in zscript and migrate will it work?
Please List ALL Events in Interactive Report & Classical Report in CORRECT ORDER.
In Between events you can use loop Say Yes or No?