Did you create primary index?
After the SESSION is created where is it stored?
how to debug dialog box?
what is variable window?
what is the variable to be used in sap scripts to find the total number of pages of the print job?
Can we use same DATA ELEMENT for more than one field?
7 Answers HCL, Unilogic Software,
How to give programe name as input in BDC report of abap ?
what is search help exit ????
What is the function of Substring?
What are components of layout in scripts?
HI friends, in USER EXITS after finding correct EXIT when am double clicking on the "INCLUDE ZXM06U36" it is not entering inside of the program, it is givimg the error message as "Program names ZX... are reserved for includes of exit function groups". Please help me to solve this problem.
Explain the properties of selection screen?
How to generate and processing the session in the same program?