Did you create primary index?
what type of error exactly you will be seeing in the log file while using call transaction mode ‘E’
How do you send files to the legacy systems from SAP and vice versa?
Can we use on change of between select and endselect?
What is the logo in sap script?
hi to all abap interview guys please notify this .. first if u have any doubts please go through google search or else please do debugging with some sample programs . but don't post even silly questions too. thanking you.
difference between BAPI and RFC?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using views in abap programming ?
When would you use a BAPI rather than an IDOC
What are the different OK Codes that can be used in batch input processing?
When writing BDC for MM01 how do you take care of views?
What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?
What abap statement will trigger list generation?