what is search help exit ????
there are 2 selection screens. material num in screen 200 and plant in screen 300. so how can you write in INITIALISATION event?
What is the use of program rsbdcsub? : abap bdc
while running bdc call transaction method for user defined table, all the records are saved except the last record. whats the problem? can anybody clarify me?
Tell me that any enhancement object comes under which category? either implementation or in support project
1.In Change pointers , Using BD61 I activate globally and I enable the MATMAS message type When I Ran the "RBDMIDOC" SYSTEM GIVES information messagge 253 MASTER IDOCS CREATED. MY Question IS :1.what is 253 2.PlZ explain internal PROCESS ,HOW ITS GENERATE 253 MASTER IDOcs?
How many times we can use At Selection Screen Output and on field event in report?
suppose uploading the flat file data using bdc program when error is occur then what vil u do
if i want to insert 10 laks MM records and for inserting one record it takes 1 min by using call transaction or session method . so here is there any alternative
1)What is the main difference between Enhancements and BADI?
How do you save data in bdc tables? : abap bdc
what are the roles and responsibilities of a technical consultant will be assigned in idoc development in real time? in case of a)IDOC EXTENSION b)sending TRANSACTIONAL IDOC c)CHANGE POINTERS
What are critical issues you have faced in your project