What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table?
what is ECC in current version of sap r/3 ECC6.0. what is full form of ECC6.0?
82 Answers Bhushan Power Steel, Cremica, HP, JPMorgan Chase, Keane India Ltd, Tyco, Unilogic Software, Value Labs,
Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement contains Projects?
How to find only duplicate records from table ?
what are the types of lists in pf-status in mod pool?
What are the problems in processing batch input sessions?
How to combine multiple billing into one RV document ( Step by Step)?
Explain what is an rfc?
What is ITS? What are the merits of ITS?
Can we create a search help for a particular user ? if yes..How ?
What is an interactive report? What is the obvious difference of such report compared with classical type reports?
what is cardinality?how it works in ABAP?
What are the mandatory fields to be filled in Transaction VA21 for 'Creation of sales order Quotation'.