Explain what is an rdbms?
how to change the package of an object?i.e a report stored in ymadhuri package.now it should be changed to ysaru
Batch Monitor -- Transaction Code?
What are the system fields you have worked with? Explain?
Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button
Can we store Data in Cluster table?
Hi Friends, I want to learn sap sd module as it has to be learn to get job in sap platform. I have seen many institution not imparting training as it has to be impart. I want to learn SD Module with running Business Scenario CIN (Country Version India) Realtime Projects (implementation & Support) I want sap realtime data for reference, practice Please help me out
How can I trigger the outbound IDOC?
What is transparent table?
what is the standard program to check the consistency of partner profiles?
list the important field symbol?
What is macro? : abap hr
what is a binary search ? and how it is useful in a sorted internal table?