What is backorder processing? What are the two types of backordering processing?
What is MRP types?
What are the effects of posting goods issue? Explain.
What happen when u save cash sale and what are the postings done after saving it (which GL account will be updated)
what is pmin
Name at least five features that you can control for the item category?
Why does the customer master have different views?
How to disable the 'import all' button on stms for the queues in sap? : transportation management
What is the break down in Pricing and Billing?
1:-In revenue account determination the material assignment group and customer assignemnt group are the mandatory fundtion ya optional function. 2:- In Pricing procedure control date field there is one tab for Alt Cond Type . what is the use of it?? 3:- Please tell me the accounting posting in Cash sale ?? where the accouting posting like CPCRA Credit posting to Customer receivable accout. ??Debit goes to??
Hi all one of the interviewer asked me, "What configured you done in credit management" please help me better answer?
One sales org can be assign with how many company code?