What do you mean by catalog variant?
Hi, Please tell me the most frequently asked interview questions and answers for SAP CRM.
What is Jurisdiction Code
What is online agreement?
Can someone help with these questions...thxx in advance 1.Which Partner functions are necessary for uploading sales order into R/3? a. Sold to party b. Ship to party c. Payer d. Bill to party e. Employee responsible 2.. IPC is required to calculate pricing in CRM. Which of the following are true a. It consists of SPE, SCE and TTE only. as it also includes data loader and limited product master information b. IPC accesses CRM database c. IPC is JAVA based technology 3.Organization data determination can be done using a. Transaction type b. Organization structure c. Business partner d. Product master 4. which of the following Following is true with regard to product categories a. Initial assignment of products to product categories is done during download from OLTP b. PC?s are assigned to Ptypes c. PC can be assigned to many categories d. Can have hierarchy of product categories e. If a product type is assigned to a category only products of this type can be assigned to a category 5.What are the Control attributes in a transaction type.which are true? a. BOM explosion b. Text determination procedure c. Partner determination procedure d. Object relation procedure e. Action profile f. Number ranges 6.Business transaction category is a control attribute that controls .which are true? a. Item category determination b. Subordinate transaction type c. Control attributes of transaction type d. Subordinate item category 7,Which of these functions are possible on sales transaction in CRM a. Change price at item level b. ATP check c. Document flow d. Auto creation of delivery document 8.Business activity and task have the following in common.? a. Needs a specific date b. Includes a business partner c. Have org data
what is work centre
hi everyone,i am new to sap crm, can anyone pls tel me what i have to prepare for the interview as i am a fresher.
What are the customizing settings for Campaign?
0 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
How do modification-free enhancements work?
4.What is the business process of client? 5.Do you have any exp. Of debugging? 6.What is a business role? 7.Have you ever created different user interfaces for different users? 8. How will you analyse the best sales man or area through pipeline management. 9.How a lead goes to opportunity. 10.how a sales assistant works 11. What are the actions and conditions you defined for sales assistant? Explain.
Explain the general ways through which a crm can be enhanced?
How will you determine ranking values?
0 Answers Baidu, Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
Define the term 'opportunity" in sap crm?