What is the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? In which business scenario we use them?
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hi all When I try to assign plant to company code,it shows an error: Valuation area missing in T001W SAVE AGAIN. I tried all the possible ways. .. how to solve this error
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consider the valuation type ABC and XYZ both have stock stored locations. the total stock in the plant is 100 . following information is given below for both valuation type . for valuation type ABC quantity is 30 and MAP is 3.00 for valuation type XYZ quantity is 70 and stock storage price is 6.00 what is the value of average price?
Suppose u have ordered for 1000 pcs and u kept tolerances in mtrl as higher limit 10% and lower limit to 10%. By mistake vendor sent you 1200 pcs it won't allow to post post graduate.but you can't reject it as it is necessary for production ryt now..How to solve this.explain
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Hi, Please inform possibility of editing GR & how.