What do you mean by pooled tables in sap abap? Also explain what do you mean by table pool? : abap data dictionary
Once the recording is done in BDC and LSMW...if we are asked to add an additional field later...then how do we add the field to the existing one...?
4 Answers Deloitte, Tata Steel Limited,
What are the payroll related Infotypes
what is the differnce between normal funcational and ALV funcational module
What are the internal tables and work area?
What is repository info. Systems?
How to define PROJECT in CMOD?
how to debug ale/idocs and how to correct errors and how to find out where the exact error occur
What is a persistent class?
what is EDI ,ALE , Debugging, Smart Forms ,IDOC'S & BDOC'S
2 Answers IBM, Yash Technologies,
How many types of views are there? : abap data dictionary
What is a currency factoring technique?
What is the reason, a BDC program is working in 'A' mode but not in 'N' mode ?