What is an update task? : abap modularization
say in selection screeen (ie is in select-options) i have selected record range from 1000 to 2000 but in the final display list i sholud not get 1200 to 1300 records it should be hide how is it posible
What are system variable in abap?
ALV Report that will show the details of order like order no, order date, customer, product code & description, order quantity and value along with the details of dispatch of those orders like invoice no, invoice date, invoice quantity and pending order quantity. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
What is new enhancement framework?
You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do to reduce the execution time.
how 2 create the normal form by using functional module
What are the page headers for secondary lists?
What is the structure of the bdc table? : abap bdc
what is an user exit?
how to trasfert script from one server to another server or one clint to another clint
how to debug user exits?