What is the use of abap data dictionary? : abap data dictionary
What are the events used for page headers and footers?
What is collective search help? : sap abap data dictionary
A report has statements like: top-of-page. write :/. End-of-page. write:/. But the end-of-page is not displayed ?please verify?
What is the Tcode for System Dump?
What are the 3 types of function modules in sap?
How to combine multiple order in one Delivery ( Step by Step)?
How can we omit a leading sign and a leading zero in sapscript?
how u define that idoc is generated for ale or edi method ?
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Events used in Interactive Reports?
control break statements in ABAP?
How to implement a program (batch input) which reads a external text file with inventory data, and write these data in sap?