What are the two levels in defining a match code? : abap data dictionary
A field containing currency amounts (data type curr) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain?
What is the length of function code at user-command?
Hi All, Can u tell me the difference between RFC and BAPI. I know Both are remote enabled.
Define alv programming in abap?
Is it possible to write code in LSMW if so when will you write?
what is the difference between bdc and lsmw?
My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue?
What are the attributes of the data in data dictionary? : abap data dictionary
what are performence analysis techniques?
What is the difference between the function module and a normal abap/4 subroutine?
can we write any interective or classical reports in alv reports if yes how?
how do you call third selection screen ?